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  • High Desert Veterinary Care
  • 2900 J Street Southeast,
  • Deming,
  • New Mexico,
  • 88030
  • Phone: 575) 544-0460
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  • Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia is a condition in which the body destroys its own platelets. Platelets are cells that help the blood to clot. Causes can be primary (autoimmune) or secondary to other underlying conditions. The prognosis is generally good, though relapses can occur.

  • Immunotherapy (oral and injectable) is a treatment that involves using a pet’s own immune system to fight health conditions, such as certain allergies or certain types of cancer. Immunotherapy is specially formulated for each individual. It comes in injectable and oral forms.

  • Skin and gut issues are problematic and can be caused by many things, including food allergies. The best way to identify food allergies is through an elimination-challenge diet trial, in which you eliminate potentially allergenic foods and treats for the length of the diet trial, then methodically add foods back into the diet to determine response. If a food allergy is identified, avoiding the food usually results in a good outcome, although some cats develop new allergies in later years.

  • Skin and gut issues are problematic and can be caused by many things, including food allergies. The best way to identify food allergies is through an elimination-challenge diet trial, in which you eliminate potentially allergenic foods and treats for the length of the diet trial, then methodically add foods back into the diet to determine response. If a food allergy is identified, avoiding the food usually results in a good outcome, although some dogs develop new allergies in later years.

  • Inappropriate elimination generally refers to urination and/or defecation in places other than the litter box. The behavior is sometimes referred to as ‘house soiling’. Inappropriate elimination may be due to a medical condition, a behavioral disorder, or both. Treatment is very specific to the underlying cause.

  • Vaccinations are important to prevent serious illness in cats. Even cats that spend all their time indoors should be vaccinated. Some viruses can be carried into your home on inanimate objects such as shoes and clothing, therefore infecting your cat without her coming into contact with another animal. Your veterinarian is your most important resource in determining what vaccinations you need to give your cat to keep her protected.

  • Vaccinations are important to prevent serious illness in dogs. Even dogs that spend all their time indoors should be vaccinated. Some viruses can be carried into your home on inanimate objects such as shoes and clothing, therefore infecting your dog without him coming into contact with another animal. Your veterinarian is your most important resource in determining what vaccinations you need to give your dog to keep him protected.

  • Whipworm Infections in Dogs

    Los gusanos látigo son parásitos intestinales de una longitud aproximada de 6 mm (1/4 inch). Viven en el ciego y el colon (intestino grueso) de los perros donde provocan irritación en el revestimiento de estos órganos. Los gusanos látigo provocan diarrea acuosa y sanguinolenta, pérdida de peso y debilidad generalizada. Son uno de los gusanos más patogénicos en perros.

  • Tapeworm Infection in Cats

    Los gusanos planos son parásitos intestinales de los perros y los gatos. Forman parte del grupo de los cestodos. Pertenecen a una familia diferente de la de los gusanos gancho y gusanos redondos, que son otros gusanos intestinales comunes en perros y gatos. Hay diferentes tipos de gusanos redondos infectivos en gatos. El más común de todos con diferencia es el Dipylidium caninum.

  • Tapeworm Infection in Dogs

    ¿Qué son los gusanos planos? Los gusanos planos son gusanos intestinales que están compuestos por pequeños segmentos, cada uno aproximadamente 3-5 mm (1/4 – ½ ) de largo. A diferencia de los gusanos redondos que viven libremente en el tracto gastrointestinal, los gusanos planos se adhieren a la pared del intestino delgado usando sus partes bucales.